Release 2024.04.2 - Utilmate


Utilmate Releases

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Release 2024.04.2

New Report Category - Customer

New report category has been added to the reports menu called Customer and includes the below reports;
- Active Customers
- Customer Credit Status
- Customer Without Sites
- Onboarding Report

New Report Category - Customer



Customer Credit Status Report

A new report has been added that provides the Credit Status for each customer, including the following information;
- Life Support
- Hardship
- Family harm
- On payment plan
- On smooth pay
- Connection status
- Has treatments suspended

Customer Credit Status Report



2025 Holidays Loaded

Holidays for 2025 have been loaded into the system.



Download all data to Excel

The dashboard dialogs, Import Meter Reads and Unbilled Transactions, have been updated to download all data when the user clicks the Excel download button. The downloaded items will not be restricted to the items currently displayed in the screen.

Download all data to Excel



Ezidebit $10,000 Transaction Limit

We've made a change to better handle receipts which exceed Ezidebit’s API limit.  This applies to customers using our payment gateway partner Ezibit.

  • - If a customer is due for a direct debit between $10,000 and $20,000, this will be split into two receipts – one for $10,000 and the other for the remainder.
  • - If a customer is due for a direct debit over $20,000, an activity will be raised for you to manually process the direct debit.
Previous Article Release 2024.03.2