Release 1.2.3 - Utilmate


Utilmate Releases

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Release 1.2.3

Interface audit report

Impact: low

This is a new report to where you can see all interface files imported and exported from Utilmate for selected dates range.

Audit - Interface import/export report


Bulk SMS sending

Impact: low

You can now send SMS messages in bulk.  Common uses of this capability include planned and unplanned outage, or SMS reminders to a specific building.  Bulk messaging is accessed from the Letters, Emails and SMS Messages maintenance screen. View the Bulk SMS Messages article in the help guide for instructions.

Bulk SMS message


Invoice messages maintenance screen

Impact: low

This is a screen where you can view, add and edit your invoice messages. Refer to the Invoice messages article in the help guide for editing messages.

Invoice messages


Alert for hardship and life support

Impact: low

Over the past few weeks, we have engaged a third party to give Utilmate a compliance audit.  We're closing off recommendations they provided and will be happy to share the final report once we have it. 

One recommendation was to make hardship and life support customer much more obvious in the system. 

  • - If the credit-control status is hardship, it will show as an alert when you enter the customer.
  • - If the account is a life support account, a notification will show as an alert when you enter the customer.

Hardship and life support


Deferred emails

Impact: low

Previously, we were not showing deferred email in the new and undelivered email messages screen. We're now showing all deferred email messages that have been at deferred for 3 days.

Note: We keep trying to deliver deferred messages for 3 days.  After 3 days, they will require re-sending.

Deferred emails


Usability improvements

Impact: low

We’ve made several cosmetic and usability changes:

  • 1. Once you entered a new customer, the search button was often disabled and you'd have to refresh your browser.  This issue has been resolved.
  • 2. If a customer has open and closed accounts, the open account will default as one selected.
  • 3. If a customer has active and in-active meters, the active meter will default as one selected.
  • 4. If a customer has a closed reason, the text was overlapping with the dates.  We’ve made more room to allow for this.


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