Release 1.2.9 - Utilmate


Utilmate Releases

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Release 1.2.9

Billed consumption summary report

Impact: low

The existing billed consumption report has been split into two; summary level report and a detail report.

  • 1. The detail report is unchanged from the current report and displays consumption and $ totals for each meter and invoice.
  • 2. The summary report displays the same information at a building and price plan level.

Billed consumption


Billed consumption report


ATB summary report

Impact: low

This report previously showed the ATB in grouped breakdowns of $100.  Feedback received was that this report wasn’t used or useful.  This report has had significant changes so that it now reports the following ATB totals for each building:

  • 1. The current, 30, 60, 90, 120 and 120+ day breakdowns based on the posted date.
  • 2. The 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, 360 breakdowns based on the due date.

ATB summary report


Aged trial balance report

Impact: low

This report has two new columns;  Bpay reference number and the site type.

Aged trial balance report


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